Is your organisation still trying to find the right digital supplier to support the launch of your Flexible Staff Pool? With so much to consider, getting the ball rolling isn't easy. In our recent webinar (which took place on Thursday 16th September), we heard from the following team at Birmingham and Solihull CCG as they shared how they launched a multidisciplinary, flexible staff pool in just 6 weeks. 

  • Dr Natasha Gupta, Clinical Lead and First5 GP
  • Ravy Gabrria-Nivas, Head of Transformation Primary Care
  • Jane Hubble, Senior Quality Clinician, Primary Care
  • Trevorlyn Kerr, Practice Manager and Peer Support
    Group member

In the webinar, our expert panel shared:

  • What their vision for the flexible pool was
  • How they navigated the framework to find the right provider
  • How they broke down and delivered across all aspects of project management
  • How their flexible pool is performing
  • What's next for the flexible pool

Access the recording and slides
If you would like a copy of the recording and slides from the webinar, please fill out the form and you'll receive an email with links to both.

If you have any questions, please email